“Parking lot is tight, wifi sucks.”

Official Review: CONSCIOUS CUP in Crystal Lake, IL

First sniff sip, “holy shit”, I said complacently. It was memorable. That’s what this place does, creates an impression.Their coffee is different. Their coffee is pure black beauty.

This particular visit, I tried the Robot Heart, signature blend. Just a 12 oz black coffee. It always comes out so hot. I love that. None of this nonsense like McDonald’s lawsuits. I want my gosh dern hot coffee to be just that, hot. At first relish, the complexities ensue. This blend is acidic with a high flavor profile. Notes of cherry, cocoa, smoke. Smells like it’s been freshly roasted, which, if you’re unaware, they roast and package on site. This roast leaves an after note of a roughly 60% dark chocolate, so it’s bitter but with a quality soft sweet end.

Parking lot is tight, wifi sucks.

My only complaint. This is a review, I have to be honest.

When talking about a perfectly fine establishment and all I have to criticize is the lack of parking lot space and the wifi inconsistencies, I can get over their one fault. I categorized them both into one fault because you don’t need either of them to enjoy coffee.They have a quality product. They give back. They get their hands dirty. McHenry County is lucky to have this gem because people collaborate here, people have conversation here. No small talk. Or almost better than that, complete solitude. No one will bother you either. It’s the best of both worlds.

The music always fits the setting like a Body Glove product. It’s always clean, major plus, and the lighting is natural. The barista’s are knowledgeable, kind, calm, and hardworking. I did notice, it’s mostly women who work the coffee-making operation. So, just a little tip of the hat, curtsy at the knee, cheers to that. *Side note, I did receive excellent customer service by a gentleman when I first started to come in. Which was a lot and he was just as wonderful. All about equality here.*

The coffee here is something to consciously experience. Sniff it. Taste it all over your palate. Watch the steam wave continuously into the abyss.

Support local businesses. Share this review.


Click here to visit their website.



Micro-read: Plug it in, Plug it in

If you haven’t caught on by now, it seems my current obsessive niche is mental health. The predecessor, gut health. The correlation between the two and how they work in conjunction, is not to be debated.

Maintaining gut health, is maintaining mental health (chicken – egg, egg – chicken). Probiotics reek of benefits. The strains are endless and immensely interesting. The special strain of the day is Bifidobacterium Infantis. This type of bacteria is found in babies (infantis) and is beneficial for the way the acids work with digestion by halting the production of surrounding bad bacteria. It is also considered to be the therapeutic probiotic, suggesting a very particular relationship with the central nervous system “through GABA receptors in the Vagus nerve”. GABA receptors are responsible for calming nervous activity in the brain. There is a blatant interdependence on how healthy gut flora can positively influence neural circuitry. Which mood is dependent on.

The Vagus nerve is the extension cord between your gut and your brain and probiotics are what keeps the power on. Plug it in, plug it in.


Inspired by:

Inflammation, the Gut and Mood Disorders

Wrinkle Cream for the Brain

Everything you eat contributes to your mental health. In a previous post, How to Make Bulletproof Coffee, a reader (fellow blogger) had asked about coconut oil and its correlation to the mental clarity achieved. It’s not the coconut oil, but it is the coconut oil. Coconut oil has the density of about 2/3s MCTs. Medium chain triglycerides. The coconut oil is the MCTs.

The brain is very unique. For the brain to function in its own unique fashion, it must be fed a unique diet. Medium chain triglycerides are unique. Thus making them a very unique size to click together with the brains vast diet needs. How unique? So fetch.

MCTs (5-12 carbons in length) are small enough to cross through a double mitochondrial  membrane, creating ketones rapidly. Ketones can can then cross the blood-brain barrier (via portal system) more swiftly to create instant energy. MCTs can be digested quicker without interfering with intestinal factors that inhibit fat absorption. No pesky micelles leftover for adipose tissue absorption. Ketone bodies are more sustainable than glucose. Excess amounts of simple CHO (carbohydrates) in your diet can cause damage to the brain, fogginess, and can progress to chronic diseases such as diabetes T2, depression, Alzheimer’s…etc.

** Fun Fact: opposed to the standard 9kcal/g of fat, MCTs come in at 8.25kcal/g. That’s 10% less calories per gram.**

Because of this type of uptake, MCTs can help prevent or delay the brain from aging because of its ability to repair damage to brain cells (Oil of Olay) . It’s huge in the Alzheimer’s game. Think of simple CHO as cosmetic products or other environmental factors that contribute to wrinkles and think of MCTs/coconut oil as the preventive wrinkle cream.

Point: The brain is hungry for CHO. It utilizes about 50% of metabolized glucose. However, when it falls short, ketone bodies become prime. The difference is very clear once the diet is shifted. This doesn’t mean I’m speaking poorly of carbohydrates. Just the simple guys. And bringing light on the magnificent health properties of MCTs.

The short end of this, to elucidate, MCTs–>Ketone bodies–>brain preferred–> immediate usage/energy–>mental clarity.

So unique.

*Sips bulletproof coffee*

Signing off.

-Megan Krage

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A Better Approach

Recently, a friend of mine approached me about this topic and had some questions regarding a more natural regimen. I was going to respond in a joking manner and say that snowshoeing would cure it because I keep trying to make her my partner. However, it needs to be dealt with in the most serious of ways because this is a real condition that many people suffer from. This is a disorder under what I like to call, “the depression umbrella”. Depression is a symptom for misfires in your body (KEY POINT). In this post, I will explain to you why it is important to know yourself and how treatment will always start with yourself. Without further ado, I began an upward spiral of research into the treatment and maintenance of SAD.

Going into this, I had preexisting knowledge of the disorder and wanted to know more beyond supplementation and medication. After all, this information was originally going to my best friends. One thing I must note that I found rather obvious for the Eastern medicine world was, their lack of treatment and sympathy toward the subject. “Take this Rx with this Rx and see how many side effects you can achieve. We’ve got a pool going in the office for the winner with the most.” I joke, I kid. But there are no greater options. There should always be options because each case must be taken individually.One should never slap on the same protocol for each person. As I investigated further, I found a new perspective for knowing how to understand SAD. 

Seasonal Affective disorder: “winter blues” (mild form), a mood related response due to the changing of the seasons, correlated to reduction in sunlight, severity depends on geographical location. Higher prevalence in women and people aged 18-30. (1)

Standard treatment for depression or like disorders is the use of SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. SSRIs come with a lot of side effects and doctors usually prescribe based on how well they think you will respond to the side effects. I can not be completely biased because for some, it works. However, may I add, there is still such a disconnect on how antidepressants affect the brain. Synthetic can only get you so far. Think of this in terms of people. You can only surround yourself with a toxic/phony person for a short amount of time before the facade takes a toll. The human body synergistically works and responds better with a more pure natural substance. And not to mention, has the great innate ability to heal itself.


Light Therapy: Get moving, get outside. 20 minutes a day is all you need (snowshoeing). If that isn’t an option, you can supplement with a light box. UV-B emission is ideal because it produces fewer headaches and eye strain. Full spectrum light is not necessary, while balanced spectrum light is. The benefits of light therapy are an increase in neurotransmitter serotonin, which is simply the chemical that gives off the sense of well-being. And regulates the hormone melatonin, which controls sleep and wake cycles. (2) Light therapy is also a good way to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is controlled by your body clock and your body clock is controlled by both the light and the dark. Therefore, practicing light therapy in the morning, is most beneficial because it will stimulate the pineal gland. It influences the sleep pattern, the release of hormones, body temperature… etc. Chronically disrupted CR is associated with insomnia, obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar, and lastly SAD. (3)

Supplementation: There’s usually some sort of depletion occurring. It is better to get lab work done to know for certain but for the benefit of knowledge, here’s a list.

Vitamin D is top choice supplementation for SAD. Most people are often depleted and this is where some functions in the body start to go whompyjawed. Vitamin D is a vitamin, however it functions much like a hormone does, sending necessary tid bits of information to other parts of the body. There is a precursor in your skin that synthesizes vitamin D, best source is natural sunlight. Foods like egg yolks (eat your yolks folks) and mushrooms (just the tip lol) are excellent choices to incorporate into your diet. As for the bottled source, vitamin D3 at about 2,000 IU/ day. If severely depleted, 5-10,000 IU/day broken up into two parts for better absorption (temporary dosage).

Omega-3 fatty acids. The friendly fats. There are many chains to the omega world, but lets hone in on the ‘three’ guy. Once again, the American diet is often deficient and it is important to consume omega 3s through our diets because it is needed for proper cell and hormonal function. Also, really wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. Rather than consuming foods fortified in omega-3, it is better to get them from WHOLE food sources. Some worthy foods containing omega-3 are as follows: mackerel, salmon, white fish (all fish should be WILD CAUGHT), tuna, walnuts, flaxseed, hemp seeds, anchovies, egg yolks (there they are again). The wild caught and grass-fed concept is to ensure the integrity of the best possible source of nutrient dense proteins. The bottle source is also as important; choose quality brands that can be traced back to the source. A lot of the time it will give you dates and even times of when they began bottling, to guarantee freshness and prevent premature spoiling. Keep in mind, the smaller the fish in the food chain, the less toxic (mercury level wise). However, salmon fish oil is still one of my favorites.

B vitamins are necessary for many cellular reactions to occur in the body and also affect mood and brain functions. Although, all the B’s are important, B12 has a major role in depression. A deficiency can create the symptoms of depression. B12 can not be made in the body, therefore, balanced diet and the right supplementation is crucial to carry out necessary functions. Bs can be found in foods like: lean meats, poultry, fish, egg (hey), and milk. To supplement, a complete B would be a well-rounded choice. When seeking the right one for you, be aware, many people can not absorb certain sups. Reaching out for the methylated version, will ensure absorption.

Melatonin is a hormone that is dictated by your circadian rhythm. Melatonin must be in balance. This is one prong to the fork of SAD and that is why melatonin supplementation may or may not work. People with SAD might not be deficient. This is sort of a half recommendation because it is better to focus on regulating your CR before supplementing.

St. John’s Wart. It is important to note that SJW can interfere with the use of antidepressants, HIV/AIDs medications, organ rejection medications, birth control, blood thinners, and chemotherapy drugs. With that said, SJW is effective. The mechanism of action works in more than one way and no way takes precedent over the other.

The contributing mechanisms include inhibition of the reuptake of serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) in the synaptic cleft, binding to the GABA-A and GABA-B receptors thereby inhibiting the binding of GABA ligands, increasing the density of 5-HT2 receptors in the frontal cortex of the brain, and inhibition of both monamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) enzymes in the brain thereby allowing more DA to be converted to NE. (4)

5- HTP is a very interesting feature to the human body. It is the chemical made from tryptophan (AA). Once tryptophan is converted to 5-HTP, it then converts to serotonin. As stated above, serotonin is important for the sense of well-being, but not only that, serotonin is found in the gut. The gut is your second brain (that’s for a whole different post). With that said, 5-HTP supplementation would have a positive effect on sleep pattern, mood, anxiety, appetite, and sensation of pain. In food, 5-HTP is not found, tryptophan, yes. However, it is harder to achieve noticeable levels after conversion. 5-HTP supplementation can treat depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, migraines, chronic head aches, and even obesity. To supplement, 50 mg 1-3 x/day to maintain. Anxiety/depression, 150-300 mg daily. Supplement derives from seeds of a African plant called, Griffonia Simplicifolia. When taken in high doses, it can cause liver and brain toxicity (people with liver disease should not take). Interactions: antidepressants. (5)

L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is found in plant and animal sources, that our body does not create by itself. Tryptophan –> 5-HTP –> serotonin. Thus, creating a stable mood, better sleep, and alleviate symptoms of depression. Foods: turkey, chicken, eggs (hi) milk, potatoes, pumpkin (for the super seasonally aware gals/basics), sunflower seeds, turnip, collard greens, seaweed, soybeans, oats, and nutritional yeast (inactive yeast that tastes like cheese)((those vegans, I tell ya. Except they’ll tell you)). Dosage varies among each person. Supplement can interact with antidepressants and sedatives.

Music: music has and will always be one of the greatest stress relievers. It is said that Gustav Holst’s composition “Mars and Jupiter” from The Planets, is music to help alleviate symptoms of depression. Why? I am not sure. Just go listen.

Essential Oils/ Crystal Therapy

Essential oils stimulate beta brain waves. I am no complete expert on essential oils, pairings and what not, however I can conclude to the fact that they work in conjunction with the brain. There are five types of frequencies: gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta (highest to lowest). Beta is responsible for conscious thought and logical thinking. Having just the right amount allows for focus. If you notice uncontrollable/unnecessary anxiety for questionable reasons, it could be because there is an increase or imbalance in the beta brain waves.Essential oils work to bring balance. (8)

Crystal therapy, get ready for some hippie dippie information. With all seriousness, if you can wrap your head around it, crystal therapy, also known as “vibrational medicine”, would be a great addition to treatment. The basis of it all is simple, matter is composed of energy. Crystals have energy that naturally resonate with the natural vibrations in the human body. If you don’t think that’s cool, well, sorry buddy cause that’s cool. (7)

“These same biocrystalline elements amplify certain aspects of the life force in special energy circuits that run throughout the body. Biocrystalline systems are intimately involves with meditating the input of higher vibrational energy into the body.” (6)

Crystal therapy works to cleanse, open, activate, and align. It is effective for emotional healing. It helps find balance and the key to healing, is balance.

Negative Air Ionizer: high density negative ions is as effective as light therapy. Extra electrons from negative ions tend to have a positive effect on the environment around you. They work by increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain, in turn, increasing the production of serotonin. It helps not only decrease mood swings involved with depression symptoms but also seasonal allergies. It eliminates odors and helps to keep the air clean. (9)

It all starts with you. No one else can help yourself, but yourself. Once you realize nutrition is the main concept in maintaining a healthy mind AND a healthy gut, mental illness can be dealt with more accurately. It is important to know yourself and know when something isn’t right. The same can be said for knowing when something is right because it is more important to focus on the positives. It can make for a more effective recovery when you know you need to step up and recreate some much-needed balance in your life. Sometimes you need a push, but ultimately, it all starts with you. Get outside, smell nature, let the wind blow, and the rain fall. Take time to laugh and enjoy the simplicity of life and eat eggs. Lastly, treat yo self.



Written by:
Megan Krage





  1. mentalhealthamerica.net
  2. lighttherapyproducts.com
  3. nigms.nih.gov
  4. ebmconsult.com
  5. umm.edu
  6. in5d.com
  7. newsworks.org
  8. mentalhealthdaily.com
  9. cet.org


The Importance of Self Care

If self-care has never been on your radar and you have no idea how to catch yourself from falling down a downward spiral, I suggest you take a few minutes and read this.

Everything is important. Your family, your friends, your lover, your job, your to-do list, bills, school, all those social events… but when will people realize that YOU are THE most important aspect in your life? You are your own powerhouse. The motherboard, the mitochondria of your own life. Without yourself, nothing would matter, make sense, or be worth any joy.

How can you be well with anything –relationships, job, social life, accurate tasks, if you do not make sure you are taken care of first? This is not selfish. This is crucial. This is the underlying truth to a greater mental health understanding.

A short excerpt from a past point in my life:

I was 22, in college (19 credit hours), working a constant 30 hours, had been renting a house with my then boyfriend (bills were astronomical), had internship work, along side extensive lab work. I am the stubborn giving kind. I would never allow my partner to pay for anything, it was always 50/50, or so I thought. The short of it all was that, I was immensely stressed and had no idea until I found a grey hair. I was hardly eating meals; that right there was the tip-off because I always eat and my undergrad is B.S. Nutrition. From there, I called my mother to justify and recognize the pivots in my life. I got on one of the best multivitamins and came to the realization that I needed to simplify my life. Luckily, I finished off the semester well and it was summer. The changes I made were enormous. I gave myself space from academics, broke up with my partner, moved home, and put myself first. I joined my local gym, hung out with all my best friends, traveled more, and began to live a more healthy lifestyle. Mind, body, and soul, I was back to being me.

From that point on, I thrived. Myself has always been put first, within reason. I set myself up for success. One day a week I tribute it to myself. I don’t always do something special but the day is for me, whether that means I remain alone or add in someone elses company. No matter what, I spend the time to get my mental in the place it needs to be to continue to thrive.

I thank sweet baby jesus for the phone call to my mother. That’s all it took, someone elses perspective. Self-care is crucial for the future of yourself and even the people around you. Don’t feel selfish, take the time, and do not let anyone stand in the way.

I can confidently say, this is a matter of life or death. Choose wisely.

Find yourself and never lose sight of it again.

Micro-read: The Game of Pool

Perhaps some of the best advice I have recently and accidentally stumbled upon, goes a little something like this. “Your next shot should be one to set you up for the following shot, always worry about the next move.” In regards to the game of pool.

The game of pool is strategy. Sometimes there is no way for there to be a shot made, so instead, set yourself up for the next shot. This simple complexity works for any life event. You should always be working toward something. Nothing is worth it unless you work for it. Set yourself up for success. It’s funny how you can be floating along in your leisure and it still teach you some of the most important aspects of life.

Live your life simply, enjoy the little things, and take the advice from the person you never thought you would.

Happy Sunday.

How to Make Bulletproof Coffee

What you’ll need:

  • Blender
  • Organic Coconut Oil
  • Grass Fed Butter
  • Good Quality Organic Coffee
  • Hot Water
  • Love

The process is so easy, more steps than a regular cup of coffee, but so worth it.


  1. Heat blender by pouring hot water at the base, let sit till coffee is made. I use a french press, so only a few minutes is necessary. Then dump out.
  2. Add about 2 tbsp of butter and 2 tbsp of coconut oil to blender.
  3. Add coffee atop fats.
  4. Blend about 30 seconds. More if you’d like.
  5. Done! Pour into favorite mug and enjoy.

The purpose of heating the blender is to keep the coffee as hot as possible because after blending it cools down. The step is not necessary, however, that is all part of the “love” concept.

You can get away with eliminating the butter, but just wait till you try it.

This is a great way to have sustaining energy. Not to mention it lifts a screen of fog and enables you to have fluent thoughts. Do not be alarmed of the fat content, it is great for your body and mind. Enjoy the beautiful frothy head.

*This is not my original idea. Kudos to the man, Dave Asprey.*

Micro-read: Emotions

Fulfilled, content, dejected, resentful, anxious, aroused. Emotions are the adjectives of the conscious state that you stand in. Whether or not you think you have a particular emotion floating in your mental, you do. Being able to express and process your emotions is what makes you human.

A little insight from the way I express mine:

Emotions: positive, happy, tender, smitten

I tend to be very expressive in the way that I speak. I bring even the smallest of details to life. I make you feel as if you were there. As if there were a large projector screen before your eyes as you read through whatever miscellaneous text or verbiage I spit at you. The fact that I exert such energy to explain a minuscule event of the day, means so much more than you would expect.

In other words, I am not going to be blatant until necessary. This is how I personally express my emotions. I had not known this about myself until one day I found myself multitasking, one person got the expressiveness and the other not so much.

The lesson here is, never stop learning about yourself. As long as you can commit to a constant in relaying your message and admitting defeat to your own emotions, you can remain whole.